24 Oct HTML 5 object rotation
Display your products on the internet and allow your visitors and prospective buyers to “turn them” in all direction, was already the focus of our 360° object rotation service. Based on pictures of your existing products or 3D models, we prepared the necessary images and got them integrated in our custom turnaround player, using Flash technology.
This interactive 360° object rotation service is particularly used by our customers for interactive retail screens, but also for e-commerce and various presentation pitches and conferences requirements for products and prototypes.
Our service has now considerably evolved as it is now fully compatible with HTML5, hence can be displayed on all mobile devices, including the Iphone and Ipads. Moreover, the optimization of the display mode, also imply a considerably faster loading time, and a quality that suffers no compromises.
Our page “360° objects rotation” has more details about the creation process and requirements, as well as a gallery of recently created interactive items.
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