
In the medical environment, to train doctors, nurses and surgeons, SimMan 3G is a high-tech dummy, reproducing the behaviours of the human body, in full compexity and imprevisibility. This subject is the theme of the new edition of Pulsations magazine, edited by the HUG.GlobalVision produce...

When Nestlé Purina gathers its executives for a training seminar, it is with GlobalVision that it ensures for complete and quality photo- and video-report. And the mandate was up to the gathering: take pictures and film the participants during three day, then create a complete video...

Le Temps "Google a lancé ce jeudi en Suisse «Business Photos», un service similaire à Street View – et intégré à Google Maps – qui permet de visiter virtuellement une entreprise. Jan-Mathieu Donnier est l’un de ces photographes agréés en Suisse."LeTemps.ch2013-04-30...

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