
Soroptimist Projects Matching is an initative emanating jointly from Soroptimist International of Europe and Soroptimist International of the Americas to adress issues related to education, poverty and sanitary conditions of women in the less-developped countries. It aims at building a link between women seeking resources and...

 The International Road and Transport Union is a worldwide organization dedicated to transports. On December 1st, 2010, it organized a major event in Brussel, gathering Ministers of Transports from all the European Union countries. On the occasion of the Grand Prix d'Honneur 2010, GlobalVision produced...

At the third place in the worldwide ranking of Hospitality Management Schools, Les Roches International School of Hotel Management is a premium destination for students from all continents to get first-class tuition in a idyllic environment. In order to properly promote their facilities, the creation of...

Glion Institute of Higher Education is a hospitality management school of the highest standard, providing first-class tuition in unique facilities. Willing to showcase the quality of their locations, the management naturally turned to GlobalVision Virtual Tour creation services in order to valorize their image in...

Organized in Los Angeles, the Immersive Tech Summit is due to be one of the major event of the virtual worlds and immersive technologies community. It regroups most of the major technological companies in this field, purposes all of the current visualization mediums and offers...

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